Friday, September 24, 2010

Jantzen Wool Swimsuit!!!

I love this original Jantzen suit! 1930s I think, I have always wanted to own one, and like most things I find is now my 'new favourite' (at some point I will face reality there is only a favourites wardrobe, no one item!)

I have another slightly later wool swimsuit in mustard yellow with brown trim and has little anchors on the front. Something about vintage wool swimsuits I love, I think its the whole knitted thing. My mum had a wool shop when I was very little and still is obsessed with hanks of yarn now!


  1. Oh that is just gorgeous! Can we see the mustard yellow swimsuit please?

  2. Going to finish off my well deserved Thai takeaway and go have a rummage for it! Come back tomorrow and should have it up!

  3. any desire to sell the jantzen swimsuit? I'm looking for a wool suit for a project I'm working on. Please email if interested. Thanks!
